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global pitch 2022

Check out this year's changemaker teams! Below you'll find the GoFundMe pages of each of our teams, which you can directly donate to. If you'd like to sign up as a mentor to a changemaker team, let us know. Thank you for empowering our youth to #bethechange they wish to see!



SOS Children in Haiti (SOSCH)


Our project is about helping children on the streets of Haiti to go to school and reintegrate into society. We will be doing this by sending school tuition, along with a bag, pens and notebooks for four children in Haiti to go to school. Our team leader will go to Haiti and meet the children personally, and we will make it an extra-curricular activity in our school, so we can keep raising funds for these students' school tuition in the years to come.

The Teal Butterfly


As the Teal Butterfly project (Teal is the sexual assault awareness color), we aim to create a curriculum that supports survivors of sexual abuse. When underage students are assaulted, trusted adults (teachers, therapists, etc.) are mandated reporters, meaning that they are required to report the abuse. Some survivors are not ready to report post-trauma, which leaves the survivor with their peers to depend upon for support. These peer-listeners are unequipped to help with the trauma and can often make it worse. We hope to fill this education gap by providing a curriculum that teaches how to respond to trauma. When survivors are given support, they are more likely to report.

Protein for Life


We aim to educate kids about the effects of food choice on the environment through our Protein for Life project. Our Protein For Life website will include a compilation of educational resources for students, parents, and educators to teach kids about the effects of animal agriculture on the environment and the benefits of a plant-based diet. By creating a curriculum that is accessible and engaging to kids through educational videos, books, games, science experiments and more, we hope to empower kids to make good choices for their bodies and the environment!

Taiji Dolphin Hunt


In Taiji, Japan, there is an annual drive hunt of dolphins for slaughter and selection. This cultural hunt depletes the already endangered dolphin population and has negative impacts on the ocean ecosystem. The protesters against this hunt in Taiji need to expand their efforts to convince the Japanese government to stop enforcing their hunting policies. Our project is the creation of a campaign in the US that educates and funds the Japanese protesters. Additionally, we want to partner with a Japanese celebrity who can spread awareness throughout Japan, since the Japanese government suppresses public knowledge on the hunt.


The Lotus Program


Many children—due to factors like government surveillance, living in remote regions, poverty and censorship—do not even have the chance of being provided with proper educational resources. The lack of educational resources is a prominent problem in more places than we can imagine, most places whose voices are silenced due to problems such as inequity, an inactive press and tight governmental control. Our principal solution is to create a multifunctional online program that is feasible to a wide spectrum of users globally. We will be recruiting volunteers from all over the world to create educational content based on the specific requirements of schools in need. For example, if an institution lacks educational resources about taboo topics, volunteers could create content such as infographics, articles and even videos that teach about these topics. These materials will be examined by our team and, with permission, be consensually uploaded onto a collective online platform for the children to use.

Reading Time with Nadia & Friends


My project for this year is inequality in education. In my opinion, this issue is one of the most important issues when it comes to success. From birth, those in marginalized communities are met with obstacles, one of which includes insufficient education. Because of this, I created “Reading Time with Nadia and Friends.” The point of this project is to go to a school affected by this and give them books, and also read to the kids. I believe this would be helpful because it would expose these kids to books at a young age, and also give them good representation.

Seeds for Our Future


Few students in Palo Alto have the opportunity to learn about the environment, climate change, and sustainability in an engaging outdoor setting. For my project, I will be reviving the garden at Fletcher Middle School to teach the students about the environment, gardening, and the science of plants in a fun, hands-on way. This program will include opportunities for students to get their hands dirty while planting, lessons about ecology and plant biology, and lessons about how everyday actions like what food we eat can help fight climate change.

The Smart Food Project


Our current food system is destroying our planet and harming everyone that lives on it. More than 70 billion land animals are being mercilessly slaughtered for food every single year. This needs to change. I hope to educate children about the severity of this problem in order to spread awareness. I believe this is the best solution to this problem because if everyone works together, we can bring down the massive corporations that are treating these animals so poorly.

Standing Against Period Poverty (SAPP)


Our current project consists of two parts and falls under the realm of reducing inequality within healthcare. We are reaching out to schools which might find our programme useful. We would like to address a practical issue which many young individuals confront, namely difficulty in affording sanitary pads. We aim to install sanitary pad dispensers in identified schools and provide sanitary towels as well. In addition, we are trying to put a system in place to help students that struggle with visual problems. We will be sourcing new and old frames to distribute to students in order to better their learning and life experience.

Ate (Ah-Teh)


Last school year, Kirsten founded Ate, an all-girls mentoring program in which high school girls offered virtual courses to middle school girls in a range of interest areas, with the desire to build leadership skills and support girls' confidence. This year, Adrienne joined and Ate is pivoting towards creating bonds in our community and around the world. Ate currently hosts multiple weekly sessions with middle school girls, who are training to mentor elementary schoolers. The organization aims to create a branch in the Philippines to improve education access there and allow the girls to form international connections.


Education + Children's Rights

thank you to our sponsors

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global pitch 2022

Congratulations to all of our teams this year who pitched their ideas at Global Pitch 2022—the event was a success, and all of our projects are now fully funded! 🙌 


Our teams still need the support of mentors to guide them as they launch their projects. Can you help? Learn more and sign up here to become a mentor!

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SOS Children in Haiti (SOSCH)


Our project is about helping children on the streets of Haiti to go to school and reintegrate into society. We will be doing this by sending school tuition, along with a bag, pens and notebooks for four children in Haiti to go to school. Our team leader will go to Haiti and meet the children personally, and we will make it an extra-curricular activity in our school, so we can keep raising funds for these students' school tuition in the years to come.

The Teal Butterfly


As the Teal Butterfly project (Teal is the sexual assault awareness color), we aim to create a curriculum that supports survivors of sexual abuse. When underage students are assaulted, trusted adults (teachers, therapists, etc.) are mandated reporters, meaning that they are required to report the abuse. Some survivors are not ready to report post-trauma, which leaves the survivor with their peers to depend upon for support. These peer-listeners are unequipped to help with the trauma and can often make it worse. We hope to fill this education gap by providing a curriculum that teaches how to respond to trauma. When survivors are given support, they are more likely to report.

Protein for Life


We aim to educate kids about the effects of food choice on the environment through our Protein for Life project. Our Protein For Life website will include a compilation of educational resources for students, parents, and educators to teach kids about the effects of animal agriculture on the environment and the benefits of a plant-based diet. By creating a curriculum that is accessible and engaging to kids through educational videos, books, games, science experiments and more, we hope to empower kids to make good choices for their bodies and the environment!

Taiji Dolphin Hunt


In Taiji, Japan, there is an annual drive hunt of dolphins for slaughter and selection. This cultural hunt depletes the already endangered dolphin population and has negative impacts on the ocean ecosystem. The protesters against this hunt in Taiji need to expand their efforts to convince the Japanese government to stop enforcing their hunting policies. Our project is the creation of a campaign in the US that educates and funds the Japanese protesters. Additionally, we want to partner with a Japanese celebrity who can spread awareness throughout Japan, since the Japanese government suppresses public knowledge on the hunt.



The Lotus Program


Many children—due to factors like government surveillance, living in remote regions, poverty and censorship—do not even have the chance of being provided with proper educational resources. The lack of educational resources is a prominent problem in more places than we can imagine, most places whose voices are silenced due to problems such as inequity, an inactive press and tight governmental control. Our principal solution is to create a multifunctional online program that is feasible to a wide spectrum of users globally. We will be recruiting volunteers from all over the world to create educational content based on the specific requirements of schools in need. For example, if an institution lacks educational resources about taboo topics, volunteers could create content such as infographics, articles and even videos that teach about these topics. These materials will be examined by our team and, with permission, be consensually uploaded onto a collective online platform for the children to use.

Reading Time with Nadia & Friends


My project for this year is inequality in education. In my opinion, this issue is one of the most important issues when it comes to success. From birth, those in marginalized communities are met with obstacles, one of which includes insufficient education. Because of this, I created “Reading Time with Nadia and Friends.” The point of this project is to go to a school affected by this and give them books, and also read to the kids. I believe this would be helpful because it would expose these kids to books at a young age, and also give them good representation.

Seeds for Our Future


Few students in Palo Alto have the opportunity to learn about the environment, climate change, and sustainability in an engaging outdoor setting. For my project, I will be reviving the garden at Fletcher Middle School to teach the students about the environment, gardening, and the science of plants in a fun, hands-on way. This program will include opportunities for students to get their hands dirty while planting, lessons about ecology and plant biology, and lessons about how everyday actions like what food we eat can help fight climate change.

The Smart Food Project


Our current food system is destroying our planet and harming everyone that lives on it. More than 70 billion land animals are being mercilessly slaughtered for food every single year. This needs to change. I hope to educate children about the severity of this problem in order to spread awareness. I believe this is the best solution to this problem because if everyone works together, we can bring down the massive corporations that are treating these animals so poorly. I will teach classes at my school and provide vegan snacks to children. I hope to eventually teach at other places as well and spread the word about the mistreatment of animals in factory farms.

Ate (Ah-Teh)


Ate is an all-girls mentoring program where we host weekly mentoring sessions with girls from local middle schools. Our mission is to create bonds in our community and cultivate confidence among our girls, so we do everything from community service activities to high school guidance to passion projects. In the future, we aim to connect with underserved communities in the Philippines to improve education access and strengthen peer-to-peer bonds. These international connections will enable the girls to expand their worldview and offer opportunities for girls in the Philippines.

Standing Against Period Poverty (SAPP)


Our current project consists of two parts and falls under the realm of reducing inequality within healthcare. We are reaching out to schools which might find our programme useful. We would like to address a practical issue which many young individuals confront, namely difficulty in affording sanitary pads. We aim to install sanitary pad dispensers in identified schools and provide sanitary towels as well. In addition, we are trying to put a system in place to help students that struggle with visual problems. We will be sourcing new and old frames to distribute to students in order to better their learning and life experience.

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Education + Children's Rights




Economic + Racial Justice

Physical + Mental Health


Environmental Sustainability



thank you to our sponsors

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